My First Attempt at Yoga

I’ll be honest, going into this semester I did not have many expectations for yoga. All things considered I now completely take it back. My first attempt at yoga was...embarrassing, however, it was eye-opening for myself. I have never been one to be able to completely, wholly relax. No matter what, it always seems as though my mind's going a million miles a minute with a checklist of items needed to be completed, a new thought about life, or an idea from a movie I saw… my mind is always going. I have attempted meditation in the past, but it seemed absolutely impossible to completely shut off the brain… I mean… what else are you supposed to do when you're sitting still with your eyes closed other than sleep or think? It wasn't until I completed my first yoga class that the lightbulb above my head went off. 

My first class, titled “Lower Back Yin for Beginners,” consisted of a series of slow stretches meant to focus on the back specifically. As a surfer, snowboarder, hiker, and all-around active person, my back tends to bother me as if I am an 85-year-old woman with arthritis. This seemed like the most logical decision as my first yoga session. My teacher was a male with a calming monotone voice. The stretches were slow and composed of all the right movements to feel each individual muscle stretch as I moved. Though we were stretching in specific poses, my goal was to focus on my wandering mind. My first thought to get my mind off of my “to- do” list was to focus on something else, a distraction more or less. I decided that would be my breathing. With every inhale and exhale it seemed as though that was all I could focus on by the end. My Yogi’s voice, my own breathing, and the way my body moved… nothing more. I was shocked 38 minutes had gone by in no time. My environment was calm, but most of all I felt calm. 

Given the circumstances, I am sad to not be able to immerse myself in a genuine yoga environment. I am intrigued to learn more about the study of yoga because I have seen what it can do to a person in only one session. My hope for meditation was lost, however, I have now found a new way to focus on calming habits rather than thinking of responsibilities, not to mention I now feel as limber as a Laffy Taffy. My first attempt at yoga was nothing shy of a transformation and a newfound love. 


  1. wow! what an outcome. Make sure that you give a bit more information about your actual class when you write up each entry. That way your analysis will be more informative. It is interesting to me that classes are so short now. Typical class was always 90 minutes to 2 hours. Why do you think that is?


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