Sacred Beach

I’m quite glad a question of sacred places is being discussed this week because it was just a few days ago my “sacred” yoga place changed drastically. I generally like to practice in my room, alone, with headphones in, so I am listening to the yogi’s voice only. This week was different. This week instead of lighting my incense and turning on my salt lamp, I decided to take a different approach. I woke up at 6am that morning,  grabbed my mat, put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and headed down to the beach. It was a cold morning and frankly I really did want to sleep in. Nevertheless, I continued until my feet were in the sand. I went to my favorite spot just off the point in Ocean City and sat for a moment watching the waves. They were rough compared to how the rest of the summer waves had been. Then, when I was ready, I opened up my yoga app and picked a class titled “Balance for the Day.” 

The class was slow moving and focused on breathing techniques to feel centered. I felt completely centered, let me tell you that much. Between the waves crashing, the seagulls chilling next to me, and the sunrise in the distance… It was all I needed. The postures continued and with each change I could feel certain muscles stretching and relaxing. My favorite part was after the yoga sessions, I realized how awake I felt. It was around 7:30 in the morning and I felt like I had already had my coffee hours ago. 

This week was strangely different for me, but has made me realize where my new yoga location would be. I genuinely feel as though my location made all the difference in my experience this week. The serenity of the world around me in the wee hours of the morning made me feel like that was where I was supposed to be. This experience made me realize if I hadn't made that decision to get up and carry the task out, there is a good chance I would be doing yoga in my room the rest of the year. In my opinion, a sacred place is one you make sacred yourself. You need to go out and find the place where you can go to your happy place mentally. Sacred places are subjective.


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