Ashtanga Yoga is AMAZING

 Okay… Here's the thing… I LOVE ASHTANGA YOGA!!! I did not expect to like it even close to as much as I really did. Yoga was a problem for me in the beginning when I was just learning what it was all about because I didn't know how to think of anything else but everything I had to do… this was completely different. I think I loved it so much because it was actually physically demanding. I found myself sweating within the first 5 minutes because of much more the pace picked up compared to the other yoga classes I have attempted. 

My favorite part of the class was the balancing it involved. We did many postures that my coach used to guide us to do in gymnastics, and I had no idea they were from this. It reall yours into perspective how much yoga can spill over into everyday life. Our teacher, David Garrigues, is a man who clearly knew what he was doing. He emphasized on the importance of breathing as each part of the body is manipulated to form a new shape. I really enjoyed this yoga class. 

This is my new go- to class. I feel like I got a workout, I am sore as I am writing this, and I immediately told my brother about the newfound love. He is going into special forces soon and has been telling me about his need for a yoga class because of his intensive workouts. I decided we would now do this together as a way for him to get in tune with his body. I am so happy I got the chance to learn about ashtanga yoga this semester, I love it.


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