

    This week was good to practice yoga. I felt particularly stressed in terms of school. It seems like none of the professors are empathizing with the fact that we are all stuck at home doing immense amounts of school work. In fact, it seems like they are actually giving MORE work just because we are at home. Well, I was happy for one of those assignments to be yoga. It gives me time for myself and only myself, not time to do something to satisfy another person. 

This week I did a meditative style of yoga. The beginning was focused on sitting still and getting into a quite mode of stillness. The practice soon moved into light stretches. The series of stretches helped to emphasize on the importance of stillness rather than pushing the body. I enoyed the calmness as well as the light music in the background. The duration of the video was 60 minutes and I felt ebery minute of it. 

Overall, Im happy I had the opportunity to practice this week at my own pace. I am glad I did not push myself to achieve pretzel- like contortions and instead focused on my breathing. I feel as though I have gained a new concept of what it means to be one with myself this semester, which I am immensely grateful for. Next week, because I did not push as hard this week, I intend to do a more challenging practice.


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