
Showing posts from November, 2020


  Yoga has been defined in many ways in my practice space because I am practicing virtually through many methods. I have not had one solid definition of what it means overtime to the instructor, but I have seen a common attribute many of the yogis carry through each practice. The idea is that when practicing yoga, one is to be present at the moment. This something I like very much to be reminded of. I feel as though in this day and age we, as humans, are always too focused on the past and the present so much that we entirely forget to focus on what is happening in the now. Yoga has taught me that one can only worry about the decisions they make in the now. I also love this idea because it seems to be the only one that has carried over the practice after practice.  Through this I have gotten to see what decisions I can make in the now which will make me worry less about the past when it comes to it, I think that is so cool. I have not been able to make any connections within this yoga c

Mediation as healing

Before starting my journey in the yoga world, I understood yoga was used for healing purposes. In previous journal entries I communictaed yoga has a form of healing for both the body and the mind. Yoga is good for the body because it pushes the muscles to stretch further than they would during regular activities. It is also goo for hte mind because it forces relaxation. Yoga takes on the form of a hollistic approach of medicine to many problems, both mental and physical. In some of my health classes we discuss other, non- medical, hollistic approaches to medicine and among those is yoga, specifically when meditation takes place at the end. I feel as though yoga is not expressed as a healing form until typically the last 20 or so minutes of the practice. This is usually when the instructor has the group sit still and think about the past and present but in a whole way. They typically do it in such a way that it does no make otu anxious for what is to come, rather to reflect and guide yo

Sivananda Practice

     Yoga has become widely popularized in the past years, largely based around the idea of white women who shop at lululemon and don't have jobs. Yoga is quite the opposite than that idea and it was not until I took this class that I began to understand this idea. Yoga is largely based around the idea of worship all to reach the greater self without even considering the thought of doing it for anyone but yourself. In recent years, this idea of yoga has transitioned from a ritual practice for the soul to doing it for the appearance of being considered a “yogi.”       Yoga in america has formed a stigma around who is and who is not fit to practice, when in reality it is for anyone who is looking to reach a place in their body they have never found. The stigma has deterred people away from the practice, all because they believe they are not fit when in reality they have no idea. I mentioned it to my mom last week that she should consider sitting in on some of my practices and her res