
 Yoga has been defined in many ways in my practice space because I am practicing virtually through many methods. I have not had one solid definition of what it means overtime to the instructor, but I have seen a common attribute many of the yogis carry through each practice. The idea is that when practicing yoga, one is to be present at the moment. This something I like very much to be reminded of. I feel as though in this day and age we, as humans, are always too focused on the past and the present so much that we entirely forget to focus on what is happening in the now. Yoga has taught me that one can only worry about the decisions they make in the now. I also love this idea because it seems to be the only one that has carried over the practice after practice. 

Through this I have gotten to see what decisions I can make in the now which will make me worry less about the past when it comes to it, I think that is so cool. I have not been able to make any connections within this yoga class because of the virtual learning, however sappy it sounds, I feel like I have made a connection with myself, learning more about me than I have in previous years. I have learned to sit with my emotions rather than to just turn them off. To process through and ask myself the right questions to find out why I feel like I do. Yoga has taught me this through each instructor's perspective. When I think of what I could have learned if I had one instructor in yoga over time, it makes me grateful I have had so many. With so many methods, I get to have a taste of what each instructor sees as important to them.

This week I did a more complicated practice. It focused on the upper body, much like the ashtanga yoga ending. The duration of the practice was 60 minutes and my instructor was a quick-moving female. We began on our feet and legs as a warm-up and quickly moved to the arms where we balanced in all types of poses. I picked a more complicated practice than typical this week because I tried to do a calm one to focus on the mind in the past few weeks. I felt sore the next day after waking up, which let me know I was actually working to fit each position. This week, yoga has taught me even the most complicated of positions can heal the body.


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