The Body

     The body is a vehicle for any accomplishment in life, without a doubt. I mean… it is the only way one can do things. Without a body, there is no way anything can get done in a literal sense. A body is seen as a vehicle in a mental way, in my belief, because it is the part doing the action. It is doding the “carrying out” of whatever needs to be done. The role of the body is to be there. Yes, I mean literally to be there… for the mind, that is. The body does the carrying out. The mind wants to run? The body better be ready. The mind wants to sleep, the body better also get ready to sit still. The body is the actual mechanics behind the thoughts. 

    Similarly, one can look at this in a yoga sense. If the mind wants to reach the divine then it must train the body of the necessary actons to do such things. The body needs to be approached fragily. I dont mean treat it like a china plate, but understand that there are indeed limitations to what the body can do. As much as the mind may want to get something done, if the body is tired then the body is tired. Divinity is an idea that the mind much train the body to understand and then achieve. It is getting past the tired phase. The body follows the mind, however, sometimes the mind must follow the body’s answers. The point is the body is the actual vehicle carrying out the end point of divinity. Though it is found within the mind and spirit, the body is the physical factor.

    This week, my yoga practice was especially good for the soul. I focused on meditation instead of new postures. My workouts this week were especially intense because of my stress with school. Working out is my way to think through things… I guess. It was nice to spend time thinking while I was working out to then move into a calm meditative state. It especially made it easier to relax my mind once I felt as though I had figured a lot out. I spent 60 minutes this week mediating, and then decided to spend another 30 minutes in silence without my phone or homework or talking to anyone. Honestly, it made me realize I need to do this more often. 


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